Why Enroll?

Free Industry-Standard Software: Gain practical experience with Processing Modflow 8, a widely used, public-domain software for groundwater modeling.

Learn from a Leading Expert: This course is authored by Neven Kresic, a highly regarded professional in groundwater science, ensuring expert-level instruction.

Master Applied Groundwater Modeling Techniques: Explore advanced methods for developing defensible numeric groundwater flow models, integrating advanced tools and techniques.

Model Calibration & Groundwater Extraction Simulation: Learn how to apply statistics and sensitivity analysis for model calibration. Simulate groundwater extraction from multiple wells.

Earn a Certificate of Completion: A certificate of course completion is available upon request after successfully completing the course assignment.

Description: Developed using a publicly available version of Processing Modflow, this course uses advanced tools to create applied and defensible groundwater flow models. Before enrolling, we highly recommend completing our free introductory course (, which will help strengthen your modeling skills and better prepare you for this advanced course. The advanced course offers step-by-step instruction, along with fully accessible input and output modeling files so you can follow along, practice, and refine your skills.